Friday, September 10, 2010

Twitter in the Classroom

As I explore the world of blogging through my class assignments, I want to share some of the interesting topics I come upon.  One Web 2.0 tool that intrigues me is Twitter.  This summer in some technology classes I took, I was introduced to this tool.  In my research, I found many ways people are including it in their classrooms, but so far, it  has been an elusive technology tool, I am still waiting to incorporate into my studies.  To keep this idea in the forefront of my mind, I would love to hear how you use Twitter in the class, as your idea could possible spark and imaginative idea for myself or my audience on how to incorporate this tool.  I'm curious if you help your students set up Twitter accounts, and how do you get parents involved in this venture.

I came across this interview of a success story using Twitter in education.  Maybe some of you can use this information for your class.

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