Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Partnership for 21st Century Skills Website

This site bring a wealth of knowledge to teacher of this century.  From tools and resources to summit information and state initiatives, this websites strives to put the information at your fingertips on developing these necessary skills. I found the P21 State Implementation Guides very pertinent information for each teacher to assess his/her implementation of 21st century skills.  In reading through the state initiatives,  I was initially surprised there were only 15 out of 50 states currently involved, but as I read further I realized these states had to demonstrate a commitment  to the 3 R's and 4 C's (critical thinking and problem solving, communication, collaboration, and creativity and innovation) through the key leadership positions of the state officials.  As I read through these guidelines, I automatically thought of the videos I watch with Dr. David Thornburg, and Dr. Chris Dede in this week's videos.  I was then greatly concerned that our nation only has 30% of its states willing to commit to these valuable skills...we've got a long way to go!!!  As I read through the self assessment tool, I would not have even considered my school, a beginning technology magnet school, only in the very early stages of the requirements necessary.  As a contemporary educator, I have to do my part of reading, preparing, training myself in these necessary skills before I can then teach them to my students.  Local, state, and national leaders must step up to the plate and show the leadership and financial support to bring our schools into the 21st century style of learning.


Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (2010). Partnership for 21st Century Skills. Retrieved September 28, 2010, from

Dede, C. Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2010). [DVD]. Technology Interfaces. Baltimore: Author.

Thornburg, D. (2010). "Skills for the 21st Century" [Video file]. Laureate Education. Unknown.

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