Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Progress Report ~ Week of April 4

I have had the most AMAXING week diving into social networking and online colaboration.  I saw the entire process come alive through a couple experience I had through simply exploring the websites provided in our assignment.  Each of these experiences lended itself to helping me further fulfil the goals of my GAME plan.

As I strive to "facilitating and inspiring student learning and creativity" and "promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes," my goal was to research online sources.  This week I found the most amazing 4th grade blog where students are actively engage is writing expressing their own creativity and understanding of the world around them.  Please check out this classroom blog: Mrs. Surridge's Class.  Each student has their own blog within the class blog, and they actively blogging about their lives at all times of the day and night!This is truly blogging, self expression, at its best!

I also was able to collaborate with two 4th grade teachers about the possibilities of our classes blogging.  One teacher is in Buenos Aires, Argentina and the other is in Illinois.  Both were very excited about the possibilites our classes had for online collaboration, so now I am introducing both blogs to my students and discussing how they can become actively involved with these two classes. Both these contacts I discovered through the Flat Classrooms Ning.  I am truly excited about the possibilities and experiences that are possible through social networking and online collaboration!


SusanKraussBlog said...

Hi Kitty,
Thank you so much for sharing the blog resource--it sounds like your game play is moving ahead so well. I think that blogging can really become addictive--that once students take ownership over a page--can decorate it--add links--it really ignites a love of writing that is going to be lifelong.
I know so many people who create blogs to share their artwork, poetry, even just links to things they like--a favorite outfit--a favorite animal or rock band--a picture of their favorite chair at home--it is such a great way to share--to create a little virtual scrapbook.
I think it can help transform those students who think they "hate to write" into students who enjoy this activity--and also be great for developing intrapersonal skills--which are sometimes neglected in the focus on interpersonal ones.


FrmKATripp said...

Susan, you are SOOO right about converting students who don't necessarily like to write! Even though I just changed over to, I am seriously going to consider Kidblog this summer. There is so much individuality students can bring to blogging through this site; it truly is amazing!!! Have you used this site? I've got several people I want to follow up with to learn more. I want to make sure the free account will allow me enough freedom for my students and myself.