Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Carrying Out My Game Plan

In reviewing my Game Plan, several resources are necessary to carry out my plan.  First, developing a network of resources to study and analyze learning more about student reflection using collaborative tools allows me to build a foundation of learning for my plan.  Also, I need other teachers who can share their use of these collaborative tools and how they effectively incorporate these strategies into understanding their students thinking through the use of these collaborative tools. 

This week to help me begin the process of achieving my GAME plan, I reached out to a teacher within my district to begin this process of learning from another peer on student reflection collaborative tools and other ideas I am learning in this class.  She responded positively and was supportive in wanting to assist in any way she could.  Another step I am wanting to take is more reflection on which curriculum topics would be suited for this type of learning approach.  Sometimes I have difficulty with this, especially in the area of Math.  


Kathy Wallace said...

I believe collaboration with other teachers is a key piece to make things work sometimes. It also doesn't hurt to collaborate on things to kind of bounce ideas off of one another. I know when I get stuck or need some feedback on a math idea, I will go to the other 7th grade math teacher and we will bounce ideas off one another. Good luck with your GAME plan.

SusanKraussBlog said...

Hi Kitty,
It is great to hear you are moving ahead with collaboration.
For math--there are a lot of drill and practice type resources--students can also create little training modules for each other using VoiceThread--when students try to teach others they are developing their own skills. They can create math games for each other--I like to draw on constructivism for math as I find that too often, students memorize steps but they don't really always understand why the steps work--they don't get a big picture of the problem solving process.

Thanks for posting.


FrmKATripp said...

Kathy and Susan, you are so right about collaboration with other teachers. I am always inspired when I can sit down with fellow teachers, pull our ideas together and create something I could never do on my own. I want my students to develop this amazing skill and experience the effectiveness of it, therefore I must model it.

Kathy, you are blessed to have someone to bounce ideas off of. In my school, several of the teachers in my field are more competitive and guarded with their information which stifles and even kills collaboration. I have had to go outside my school and even on-line to build my collaboration abilities.

Susan, I miss being able to use VoiceThread! Right now my school district is dealing with streaming issues and this keeps me from this wonderful tool! I wish there was a way to save a VoiceThread!

Thank you ladies for your input!

Anonymous said...

It seems that you have a clear goal in place that you would like to reach. By collaborating with other teachers it would contribute to additional success. Are their any areas in your plan that you may need to revamp? If so what are they?