Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Progress Towards Accomplishing My GAME Plan:

In working through the many steps in accomplishing my goal, I am at a frustrating point.  With limited time due to several school responsibilities that have left me stretched thin, I am having a difficult time finding information and resources to accomplish my goals.   My thoughts are that over my spring break, this next week, I want to spend more time researching resources necessary to accomplish my goals.  I also want to reconnect with several professional collaboration websites and starting talking to other teachers about how they are working through the ideas I’m contemplating. 
I have also considered as I read through my goals, that I may need to be less broad and focus on one or two key ideas that would encompass the two ISTE-NETS that I desire to grow in.  I think in the beginning when I wrote my GAME plan, I was unsure of what I was aiming for.  Whether talking to my instructor or re-reading instructions, I want to gain a clearer picture of the end goal I am trying to achieve with my GAME plan.  After more indepth time contemplating these issue, I forsee having many more ideas to share of what I have learned or new questions that have come up in my learning process.  


SusanKraussBlog said...

Hi Kitty,
Picking out some small manageable goals can be a great way to approach a GAME plan. It isn't as overwhelming and progress is more easily apparent.
Even something like offering a choice of synthesis activities or using a Smartboard adds a technology component without having to revamp a lesson too much.

I like internet projects as a way to connect with other teachers and involve students as well.

Thank you for posting.


FrmKATripp said...

Susan, thank you for your input, and I will certainly work this into my plan. What I guess I'm searching for in my plan is sustainability in the course of action I take to accomplish my GAME plan. I know I have offered activities of choice to my students and we use our interactive board every day. I guess I have a wrong idea in my mind of how my two goals should be accomplished in a sustainable measure. I feel like I don't have a consistency in offering students enough choice in being able to "pursue their individual curiosities" or use enough collaborative tools that show me their individual "thinking and creative processes." I know I give students some opportunities for this, but many times I feel pinned down by the state standards and internally I know they dictate my moves, not the student's "individual curiosities."

Is it reasonable for me to search for ways to allow my students "individual curiosities" within the realm of the state standards or am I suppose to be searching for a way that gives students complete autonomy in their quest to learn. If the later is the case, I feel a sense of panic, that I won't be accomplishing what is required of me by the state. I am struggling to know the balance, and I guess that sums up a lot of struggle I feel in grad school. I want the innovation and progressive thinking of what I've learned, but how to implement this with an establishment that says they support this type of innovation, but does not provide the necessary support. These are many thoughts I am struggling through in accomplishing my GAME plan.

SusanKraussBlog said...

Hi Kitty,
My thinking is that we do have to work within the state standards so these standards might be the framework for our instruction, but within that framework students might be able to synthesize information in ways that map to their own curiosities. I think you sum up the challenge we face as educators so well--that balance between infusing creativity and giving students greater ownership over the learning and the requirements we must see filled.

Thanks for reply to my posting.

Anonymous said...

In addition to all we as educators have to deal with, it is not evident that we too get tired. Hang in there, no plan is perfect, and I'm sure you find informatinn needed for your plan to be a success.